Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bowling with Wobbly Easter Eggs

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I thought it would be fun for the boys to bowl using the wobbly Easter eggs that we made. So we put together this quick Easter boredom buster activity to encourage some gross motor indoor play. My favorite part about this activity is that the "pins" stand back up on their own, meaning I don't have to set it up over and over again like a regular bowling set for kids. The eggs simply wobble back into place.

Bowling with wobbly Easter eggs from And Next Comes L

Simple Easter Activity for Kids: Bowling with Wobbly Easter Eggs

Here's what you'll need for this activity:

I set up the 10 wobbly Easter eggs as bowling pins, in the typical 10-pin configuration, with the bowling balls next to them. Then I invited the boys to a game of wobbly egg bowling!

J had a blast with this activity!

J bowling with wobbly Easter eggs from And Next Comes L

Bowling with wobbly Easter eggs from And Next Comes L

J bowling with wobbly Easter eggs from And Next Comes L

K, on the other hand, wasn't interested in this activity too much, but he did enjoy some time holding on to the bowling ball...