Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Homemade Geoboard

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When I came across this DIY geoboard, I just knew that I had to make one, especially since we have a lot of scrap pieces of wood in our garage.  I kept putting it off for months, but finally got around to making a geoboard of our own a couple of weeks ago.  And it cost me only $1 to make.

And Next Comes L: Homemade Geoboard

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To make your own, you need only a few simple materials:
  • A scrap piece of wood - Mine is a piece of a deck board that's about a foot long.  Yeah, more upcycling!
  • Clear push pins - I purchased a container of 100 push pins from the dollar store for $1, but I did not use them all.
  • Rubber bands - You can start collecting them, but I purchased a bag of 1000 from the dollar store for $1 and used about 20.  So basically it cost me a couple of pennies.
Sand any rough pieces on the wood, if needed.  You could also paint the wood at this point if you'd like.  Then tape a piece of graph paper on the piece of wood and gently push a pin through the paper and wood to create the layout of the geoboard.  After I removed the graph paper, I put pins in each hole marked using the graph paper.  Then I used a hammer to put the pins into the wood.

That's it.  Then it's ready for exploring math concepts and developing fine motor skills during play time!

Playing on a homemade geoboard from And Next Comes L