Saturday, August 17, 2013

Snowman Chords With Free Printable

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When I start teaching my beginner piano students about chords, I always tell them to stack the notes like little snowman.  It makes the kids giggle and they seem to get the analogy instantly.  So here's how the boys and I learned and played using snowman chords.  And there's a free printable too, but you'll have to scroll down to see that.  

This activity can be done using glass beads, round buttons, balls of play dough, dot stickers, or even dot markers.  Just print off the free printable and use your chosen material.

Here's J building snowman chords using clear glass beads.  I love how you can still see the snowman's face through the glass beads.

Then J made some green snowman chords using dot markers.  Look at his concentration (and his dimples)!

Such lovely little green snowmen!

Download the Free Printable

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download a copy