Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Building With Styrofoam and Colored Craft Sticks

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My lovely husband just bought me some new bakeware.  It happened to be well packaged among multiple layers of styrofoam, so I cut the pieces into various sized chunks, grabbed some colored craft sticks, and left it for J to play with.

An invitation to build with styrofoam and colored craft sticks from And Next Comes L

J started building one structure by piercing the styrofoam with the colored craft sticks and leaving the sticks exposed.

Close up of fine motor skills from And Next Comes L

J building with styrofoam and colored craft sticks from And Next Comes L

J building with styrofoam and colored craft sticks from And Next Comes L

Ta-da! The first sculpture!

Building with styrofoam and colored craft sticks from And Next Comes L

I then handed J a much thicker piece of styrofoam to build with, which lead to him to try out a different technique for building.  Instead of leaving the craft sticks exposed, he pushed them all the way down until he couldn't see them.

J doing some more building from And Next Comes L

Since the styrofoam was really thick, he needed to apply a lot more pressure to push the craft sticks through.

Pushing colored craft sticks into styrofoam from And Next Comes L

But the end result was fabulous!

Styrofoam and colored craft stick sculpture from And Next Comes L