Monday, September 30, 2013

Ghost Sensory Bin for Kids

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Looking for Halloween sensory bins or ghost activities for toddlers? Then try this simple ghost sensory bin!

Most Halloween sensory bins are orange and black, filled with pumpkins and whatnot. This one, however, is not.

Instead, this sensory bin is inspired by ghosts. Or, more specifically, the little ghost stones that I found at Michael's. They're so adorable!

And, honestly, this ghost sensory bin is slightly eerie and spooky in terms of looks. It's almost as if the ghosts are haunting the water...

I can almost hear the ghosts calling....oooOOOOooooOOOooo

Simple ghost sensory bin Halloween activity for toddlers and preschoolers

What You'll Need for this Ghost Sensory Bin

This Halloween sensory bin is quick and easy to put together. Here's what I used to make it:

  • White tissue paper, ripped into pieces - These are what help make the water look spooky.
  • Ghost table scatter or similar - I found our ghost stones at Michael's, but you could use foam ghost shapes, ghost confetti, ghost mini erasers, white stones like these with little ghost faces drawn on them, etc. as a substitute. Be sure to check your local dollar store too in case they have something that might work.
  • Water - How much you will need will depend on the size of your sensory bin container.

To make this ghost sensory bin, simply rip the white tissue paper into strips and add them to a large container filled with water. The kids will definitely enjoy helping with the whole ripping and tearing part! The tissue paper will get soggy and mushy, making the sensory bin look really spooky and ghost-like.

All that's left to do is add the ghost stones (or similar). Then it's ready for play. Here's how the sensory bin will look when it's all set up.

Simple ghost sensory bin for kids with water

Close up of a ghost sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers

This Spooky Ghost Halloween Sensory Bin is Great for Toddlers & Preschoolers!

I think that this simple sensory bin is so inviting with those itty bitty ghosts swimming around, especially when there are little bubble pockets in the tissue paper as well. You almost want to reach out and pop the bubbles...

Close up of a ghost sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers

Well, my boys were also pretty eager to check out this ghost sensory bin, digging right in to play with the wet tissue paper.

Two kids playing in a ghost sensory bin for Halloween

My oldest J quickly grabbed all the tissue paper and bundled it up into one corner.

Close up of a child playing in a Halloween themed sensory bin with ghosts

And then he started wringing it out onto the floor...I guess that's one way to wash my kitchen floor!

My youngest, K, was also fascinated by the wet tissue paper, carefully examining it in his hands. Like, "what is this stuff, mom?!" He even put some on his body as if he was turning into a mummy.

Then both boys took turns dipping their head into the bin, splashing the water, and even tried to dump all the water on the floor...I'm so glad I didn't use too much water and that I set it on our kitchen floor where clean up would be really easy.

The tissue paper really disintegrates after playing, which made the bin look even more spooky, as if a bunch of ghosts are floating around.

Spooky Halloween sensory bin with ghosts and water

Spooky Halloween sensory bin with ghosts and water

I mean, it looks quite eerie, doesn't it?

What do you think? Will you be giving this simple ghost sensory bin a try with your kids?

Simple ghost sensory bin Halloween activity for toddlers and preschoolers