Wednesday, November 27, 2013

50+ ABC Gift Ideas for Kids

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It's no secret that my boys love their ABCs!  So I am hooking you up with some great gift ideas for those alphabet loving kids in your life.  I have compiled over 50 ABC gift ideas for kids, including alphabet puzzles, toys, games, books, DVDs, and things for around the house. These gift ideas are great for toddlers and preschoolers learning their ABCs or for those kids with hyperlexia who live and breathe everything letter related.

50+ ABC gift ideas for kids, including books, toys, games, puzzles, and things for around the house from And Next Comes L

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Make Bath Time Fun with These ABC Gift Ideas for Kids

ABC Gift Ideas for Kids: Bathtime Fun from And Next Comes L

Make bathtime fun with some cool alphabet toys like these linking alphabet crabs or these foam bath letters.  Then be sure to dry off with some cool textured alphabet towels in green, pink, blue, or white.  We have the green set in the boys' bathroom and I love them! 

Bring the ABCs to Life Around the House with these ABC Gift Ideas for Kids

ABC Gift Ideas for Kids for Around the House from And Next Comes L

We absolutely love Signing Time in our house and the boys especially love to relax in the living room and watch the ABC Signs DVD.  When in the kitchen, make some alphabet cookies or practice making letters in play dough using some ABC cookie cutters.  My boys especially love to use these cookie cutters in play dough!  We also have this dry erase alphabet placemat on our kitchen table.  We don't necessarily use the dry erase crayons with it, but the boys enjoy pointing out letters while waiting for their supper to cool.  Finally, decorate a child's bedroom or play room with some alphabet wall decals.  We have some in our basement and J used to spend hours riding on daddy's shoulders pointing to the letters while singing the ABC song!  K, on the other hand, just climbs stuff and points to the letters all by himself.

Learn the ABCs with These Alphabet Toys and Games for Kids

ABC Gift Ideas for Kids: Alphabet Toys & Games from And Next Comes L

If you're looking for electronic toys to help your kids learn the ABCs, I recommend the Thomas ABC Train, even if you're not a train fan.  Neither of my boys like trains that much, but they love this toy.  We keep it in the car all the time and the boys like to play on it when we have to go on long car rides.  We also keep this alphabet learning bus in the car too.  However, we have the French version so J and K have been learning their French letters because of it.  My boys also enjoy the tote and go laptop because it has lots of learning games on it.  We haven't had to change the batteries once in any of these toys even after owning the train and the laptop for two years!

If you're looking for battery-free ABC toys, I highly recommend owning a set of wooden ABC blocks.  They're great for stacking, but J first learned how to identify his name because of them.  We used to spell his name with them all of the time when he was a toddler.  These ABC house blocks look really cute too!  And this wooden alphabet abacus would have definitely been a hit with my boys.

In terms of sensory play, I would really love a set of these translucent letter builders to use on our light table or overhead projector.  They would be fantastic on there!  I think my boys would also enjoy these letter sand molds for the sandbox in our backyard.

I'm sure that there are lots of alphabet board games out there, but we own Eric Carle's ABC Game and the Super Why ABC Letter Game and love them both.

Learn the Alphabet with These ABC Puzzles for Kids

ABC Gift Ideas for Kids: Alphabet Puzzles from And Next Comes L

World of Eric Carle Alphabet Floor Puzzle

We love Melissa & Doug puzzles in our house and the boys particularly enjoy the ABC chunky puzzle and alphabet train floor puzzle that we own.  I know they would love these other ABC wooden puzzles from Melissa & Doug, including the self-correcting letter puzzlessound puzzleupper and lower case puzzle, and see inside peg puzzle.

We also love Dr. Seuss.  Like a lot.  Seriously.  We have the Head to Tail ABC floor puzzle and it's really cute, but I really love the look of this wooden Dr. Seuss alphabet puzzle.  I'm pretty sure my boys would adore it!

Some other cool puzzles to check out are this colorful wooden alphabet puzzle from Hape and this alphabet floor puzzle that's inspired by the works of Eric Carle.

Read and Learn the ABCs with These Alphabet Books for Kids

ABC Gift Ideas for Kids: Alphabet Books from And Next Comes L

123 Versus ABC by Mike Boldt
LMNO Peas by Keith Baker
Click, Clack, ABC by Doreen Cronin
Creature ABC by Andrew Zuckerman
All the Awake Animals are Almost Asleep by Crescent Dragonwagon
Dr. Seuss's ABC by Dr. Seuss
Goodnight Moon ABC Board Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Apples A to Z by Margaret McNamara
Baby ABC by Deborah Donenfeld
Alligator Bear Crab: A Baby's ABC by Lesley Wynne Pechter
Learn the Alphabet by Ryan Cranmer
Little Quack's ABCs by Lauren Thompson
ABC of Canada by Kim Bellefontaine
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.
Museum ABC by The (NY) Metropolitan Museum of Art

There are so many fantastic alphabet books out there so it's hard to pick the best of the best, but our all time favorites are Creature ABCDr. Seuss's ABC (I can recite that book off by heart!), 123 Versus ABCUsborne Touchy Feely ABC Book, and Happy Alphabet! A Phonics Reader.  We also have an amazing basketball ABC book and another really cool interactive ABC book called ABC Do, but I cannot find them on Amazon.  They might be exclusive Canadian titles or something, but they are great books.

What's your favorite ABC books?  We'd love to check them out.

Don't forget to check out these other gift guides for kids: