Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Science Light Table Activity

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Looking for Christmas science activities for preschoolers? Try this simple Christmas light table science activity!

Playing with ice on the light table is a fun way to explore. 

Colored ice is even better.

Colored Christmas shaped ice is even better than better.

Okay, you get the point...but seriously, I made some frozen Christmas shapes to melt as part of a sensory science experiment on the light table. The result? This fun Christmas science and light table activity. My kids loved this activity!

Preschool Christmas Science & Light Table Activity for Kids

For this Christmas science activity, we used:

  • Water
  • A light table (but could obviously be optional - here's how we made our DIY light table)
I froze two green Christmas trees and two gold bells overnight by mixing water with the liquid watercolors.

The next morning I placed one tree and one bell in a glass dish. I set one up for both boys so that they would each have one tree and one bell. I placed the glass dishes on the light table, along with red water, table salt, eye droppers, and some clear plastic spoons.

The colored ice looks so magical on the light table. Although if I were to redo it, I would skip the gold liquid watercolor and use yellow instead. The gold didn't work as well as I had hoped on the light table.

Christmas light table science activity for preschoolers

Christmas light table science activity for preschoolers

A Fun Preschool Science Activity for Christmas (On or Off the Light Table)

The boys used the water and salt to try and melt the frozen Christmas shapes. All that scooping with the spoons and squeezing of the eye droppers is great fine motor practice.

Practicing fine motor skills on the light table

Practicing fine motor skills on the light table

Preschool science activity for Christmas on the light table

Preschool science activity for Christmas on the light table

J also liked to pick up the frozen shapes, which is a great sensory experience on its own. Cold, wet, drippy ice...

Science activities for Christmas: melting ice with salt on the light table

Science activities for Christmas: melting ice with salt on the light table

Other Christmas Activities You'll Love

Free Printable Christmas I Spy Game

This post was part of the Light & Reflections series. Here are some posts from my series co-hosts:

Retelling "The Mitten" on the Light Table from Still Playing School 

Arctic Animal Small World on the Light Table from Where Imagination Grows 

Christmas Tree Activity from Happily Ever Mom

Christmas light table and science activity idea - great for toddlers and preschoolers!