Wednesday, April 08, 2015

8 Inspiring Quotes About Children & Play

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When I got my DSLR camera at the beginning of last year, I promised myself that I would never shoot in auto. I never did. I relied on shutter priority mode for the first part of 2014. Within a few months though, I made the leap to manual photography and I have never turned back. I have become quite proud of my photography as a result. But besides making photo gifts for family and taking photos for the blog, I didn't know what else to do with all these photographs. So I started pairing some of my favorite photos with inspirational quotes about children and play and started sharing them on my Facebook page. The response was incredible!

Here are a collection of quotes about children, the importance of play, music, and writing (something my hyperlexic son does all day long). All photos used in these photo quotes are my own. Which quote is your favorite?

8 Inspiring Quotes About Children & Play

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

8 inspiring quotes about children and the importance of play from And Next Comes L

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