Friday, May 08, 2015

Button Music Note Art

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A simple music craft for kids.

We recently combined music theory with an easy fine motor project to make some button music note art. It turned out quite lovely and reinforced some basic music theory concepts in the process. So if you have a child currently learning to read music, try this simple music craft for kids with them as an alternative to traditional theory worksheets.

Fine motor music craft for kids from And Next Comes L

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Simple Music Idea for Kids: Make Button Music Art!

For this music themed art project, we used:

Neither of my boys have begun formal music lessons yet, but they have been listening in on my piano lessons since they were babies. I'm always shocked at how much they have learned simply by being present during the lessons and listening to me ramble on about music theory. My three year old, for instance, can name most piano keys independently. Anyway, this button music note art project reinforces concepts like stemming, note value (quarter notes vs. eighth notes, for example), and lines and spaces on the staff. You could also spell specific words on the staff using the musical alphabet. But since my boys are only 5 and 3, I let them place their notes anywhere that they wanted.

First, add dabs of glue to different spots on the staff. Then add the colorful buttons.

Music theory for kids: make button music note art from And Next Comes L

Music theory for kids: make button music note art from And Next Comes L

Then the boys drew stems for the notes using black pencil crayons. Even three year old K attempted to draw stems on the notes and he did pretty good! I was quite impressed by how much he liked this activity. He got quite into it! I was able to talk about quarter notes vs. eighth notes with J and he experimented with drawing both types of notes.

Fine motor music craft for kids from And Next Comes L

Music theory for kids: make button music note art from And Next Comes L

When all is said and done, you'll be left with a colorful sheet of button music notes. And I think it turned out great!

Button music note art: easy fine motor craft for kids from And Next Comes L

Don't forget to check out these other fabulous fine motor ideas from our friends!

Straw Painting Fine Motor Butterflies from Still Playing School
Play Dough Invitation with Ants from Stir the Wonder