Monday, June 01, 2015

40 DIY Activity Table Hacks for Kids

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I'm cheap frugal so when I am interested in getting an activity table for the kids, I always prefer to go the DIY route. I've already made a few homemade sensory and activity tables for the kids myself, but since this is my 500th post on my blog (wow!), I thought I would roundup some other amazing DIY activity tables for kids. From DIY art tables to DIY train tables to DIY LEGO tables, here are 40 beautiful activity tables to keep your kids busy and learning all year round.

40 DIY activity table hacks for kids, including LEGO tables, light tables, art tables, & more! from And Next Comes L

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DIY Light Tables & Other Light Play Tables for Kids

Light Play Tables You Could Buy
Light Play Tables You Could Make Instead

DIY Car & Train Tables for Kids

Car & Train Tables You Could Buy
Car & Train Tables You Could Make Instead

DIY Water & Sensory Tables for Kids

Water & Sensory Tables You Could Buy
Water & Sensory Tables You Could Make Instead

DIY LEGO Tables for Kids

LEGO Tables You Could Buy
LEGO Tables You Could Make Instead

DIY Art & Chalkboard Tables for Kids

Art Tables You Could Buy
Art Tables You Could Make Instead

Other DIY Activity Tables for Kids

Other Activity Tables You Could Make

Want more hacks for kids? Try out one of these awesome 25 sensory hacks for kids.

40 DIY activity table hacks for kids, including LEGO tables, light tables, art tables, & more! from And Next Comes L