Sunday, July 12, 2015

Musical Imitation Game {An Oral Motor, Turn-Taking Game for Kids}

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A super simple music game for kids that works on teaching kids how to take turns while giving them oral motor sensory input.

I'm constantly on the search for new and simple ways to fulfill my oldest's son's need to chew and mouth objects. Well, this musical imitation game is a perfect oral motor activity for fulfilling the sensory input that he seeks. This game also explores musical concepts and helps with social skills such as turn-taking and listening skills. So yes, this game is ideal for kids with autism and/or sensory processing disorder, but it can definitely be played with any child.

Oral motor music game for kids that teaches turn taking skills

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About this Oral Motor Music Game for Kids & How to Play

To play the musical imitation game, the only thing you'll need is:

  • A harmonica, whistle, recorder, or any other similar wind instrument that you might have on hand - you'll need one instrument per person
The game is really simple. The first person plays a rhythmical pattern on the instrument. Then the other person repeats (imitates) the original pattern on their instrument. The patterns can be simple or complex and include sounds of different dynamics (louds and softs) or different lengths of time (short or long notes).

Target Skills of this Oral Motor Sensory Activity

This music game is great for social skills learning as it focuses on listening and turn-taking. Furthermore, this game addresses musical concepts such as ear training, dynamics (louds and softs), note values (short and long notes can represent quarter notes, half notes, etc.), rhythm, and pitch (high or low notes can be played depending on what instruments are used).

But mostly importantly, this game provides lots of oral motor input, which my son needs.