Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gift Ideas for Kids who Love to Doodle, Write, & Draw

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Along with my son's amazing ability to read and spell early, came an early interest in writing and doodling. Nearly every single scrap of paper has been doodled on at some point by him. 

He comes by it honestly though, considering in high school I was named "the person most likely to scribble her name on every piece of paper."

That's totally true.

To this day, I still love to scribble my name on blank pieces of paper. It's how I fidget.

Writing and doodling is how my son with hyperlexia fidgets too. He focuses so much better when he can get lots of doodling in and engages in more conversation if he's scribbling away while you talk with him. So, this list of gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, and draw is for kids like him (and me!).

Gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, and draw from And Next Comes L

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Gift Ideas for Kids who Love to Doodle, Write, & Draw

1. Boogie Board Tablet

These Boogie Board tablets are amazing, especially for kids who go through a lot of paper. Reduce the amount of waste by letting the kids draw or write and erase over and over. They come in a variety of colors and are lightweight.

Boogie Board tablet - gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, & draw from And Next Comes L

2. Magna-Doodle

Nothing gets drawn on or used more around our house than the Magna-Doodle. My Instagram is living proof of the Magna-Doodle love. Six year old J rarely lets it leave his side and even recently took it to school for show and tell. It's another great alternative way to save on paper.

Magna-Doodle - gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, and draw from And Next Comes L

3. Beautiful Crayons, Pencils, & Other Writing Supplies

Investing in beautiful coloring and writing supplies is a great way to keep those kids drawing, writing, and doodling. Some of our favorites are the Stockmar beeswax block crayonsStockmar beeswax stick crayons, and Color Appeel Peelable Crayons. They're all a bit more of an investment than your standard Crayola crayons, but they are definitely well worth their price! I really love the peelable crayons because they color beautifully, require no sharpening (like regular colored pencils or pencil crayons), and are thick, making them great for even the littlest hands to hold.

Stockmar crayons - gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, & draw from And Next Comes L

Stockmar crayons - gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, & draw from And Next Comes L

Peelable Crayons - gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, and draw from And Next Comes L

4. Chalk & Chalkboard

We go through a lot of chalk. Like an insane amount of chalk. Again, you just need to check out my Instagram to see how well loved chalk is at our house. My parents, thankfully, made a huge chalkboard for the boys last Christmas (it's like 4.5' x 4.5') so that the kids can draw anything they imagine and any size they imagine! I also highly recommend vinyl animal-shaped chalkboards similar to this hippo one. We have two chalkboards like these and they have seen a lot of drawing over the years!

5. Notebooks & Paper

Of course nothing beats drawing on some fresh paper or writing in a new notebook. We like the Melissa & Dough easel paper rolls and any kind of notebook from the dollar store (which makes great stocking stuffer ideas for Christmastime as well!).

6. Doodle Books

My oldest son isn't quite into doodle books yet, but I really do think in a couple of years he will enjoy Oodles of Doodles or The Boys' Doodle Book. And since he's a fan of Mo Willems' Pigeon series, he would love this Don't Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book!

7. Window Markers

Both of my boys love to practice their writing and drawing skills using window markers. We use them to draw on windows and mirrors all the time. They're a nice alternative to dry erase markers, although we love dry erase markers around here too! Both would make excellent stocking stuffer ideas for Christmastime!

Looking for more gift ideas for the kids? You can check out our other gift guides here.

Gift ideas for kids who love to doodle, write, and draw from And Next Comes L