Sunday, December 27, 2015

31 January Activities for Kids {Free Activity Calendar}

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Free winter activity calendar for kids. Keep the kids busy all January long with these awesome activities and crafts for kids!

Hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. And boy, it was so hard to get back into blogging after a much needed social media break over Christmas! But I know how useful and valuable these free activity calendars for kids have been for many families, including ours, so I had to find the motivation to get the January calendar ready before January actually arrived.

This calendar features 31 activities and crafts for kids that focus on one of two things: a winter theme or simple boredom busters for cold, winter days. Because let's face it, there's going to be plenty more cold days here for the next couple of months. Oh the joys of living in the Canadian prairies!

Anyway, this month's activity calendar features lots of fine motor activities and crafts, as well as sensory play ideas, STEM activities, and pretend play ideas.

31 January crafts and activities for kids with free downloadable activity calendar from And Next Comes L

Here are the activities and crafts that you will find on the free activity calendar for January:

  1. Snowflake Sensory Soup
  2. Marbled Milk Paper Towel Snowflakes from Sugar Aunts
  3. Low Prep STEM Activities from Lalymom
  4. Handprint Mittens Art from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail
  5. Calming Lavender Snow Play from House of Burke
  6. Arctic Small World & Igloo Craft from Where Imagination Grows
  7. Bubbling Pine Cone Science from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail
  8. Penguin Themed Snacks from Sugar Aunts
  9. Winter Math Tray on the Light Table
  10. Snow Maze from Sugar Aunts
  11. Arctic Snow Dough Small World Sensory Play from Crayon Box Chronicles
  12. DIY Cardboard Bulldozer Toy from Lalymom
  13. Snowman Ball Toss from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail
  14. Snowman Mirror Play
  15. Build a Snowman Fine Motor Play from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail
  16. Winter Snowflake Stamp Art from Sugar Aunts
  17. Winter Wonderland Sensory Bin from Where Imagination Grows
  18. Icicle Scissor Skills Practice from Sugar Aunts
  19. Arctic Small World on the Light Table
  20. Snowball Marshmallow Names from Mamas Like Me
  21. The Mitten Story Stones from Fun-A-Day!
  22. Painting Snow with Watercolors from Sugar Aunts
  23. Simple Snipping Sammy Cutting Practice from Lalymom
  24. Name Snowmen from Fun-A-Day!
  25. Sparkly Winter Sensory Bin with Snowflake Letters
  26. Mitten Cookie Cutter Stamping from House of Burke
  27. Shape Snowman Puppet Craft from Mamas Like Me
  28. DIY Rocket Launcher Boredom Buster from Lalymom
  29. Coffee Shop Dramatic Play from Where Imagination Grows
  30. Sensory Snow Paint from Mamas Like Me
  31. Penguin Small World with Snow from House of Burke

These 31 crafts and activities can be found on this free activity calendar for kids. Download your copy below and keep it handy on your phone or computer. Then every morning, simply open the calendar, find the current date, and click on the corresponding photo. You will be taken to the activity's or craft's instructions. No need to plan activities for your kids as this calendar has it all: math, science, crafts, fine motor activities, and more! To download the calendar, either click on the image below or click the link below the image.

31 January crafts and activities for kids with free downloadable activity calendar from And Next Comes L

31 January crafts and activities for kids with free downloadable activity calendar from And Next Comes L