Thursday, January 23, 2020

Valentine's Day Gross Motor Balance Activity

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Looking for Valentine gross motor activities for preschool? Try this simple gross motor balance activity!

We've been doing a lot of Valentine's themed gross motor activities lately, including this simple heart themed gross motor balance activity

It's really low prep, making it a perfect boredom buster for cold winter days. And trust me, in Saskatchewan we get a lot of cold winter days! Days where the temperatures plummet to -40 C or colder and it's simply too cold to play outdoors.

So if you find yourself trapped indoors because your car won't start or you just don't feel like braving the cold, then this low prep Valentine's themed boredom buster is perfect for you. 

The kids can even help you set it up and keep their bodies moving!

Gross motor balance activities for preschoolers and toddlers that's perfect for Valentine's Day

Heart Balance Game: A Simple Valentine Gross Motor Activity

I already mentioned that this activity is low prep and you don't need much in terms of materials.

And while this activity is intended to work on balance and gross motor movements, there is a fine motor learning component to it as well. You'll just have to read the full post over on CBC Parents to get the full details.

Valentine's Day gross motor balance activity for toddlers and preschoolers