Friday, March 25, 2016

Free Printable Pokemon Action Cards

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Do you have little Pokemon fans in your house? 

Then these free printable Pokemon inspired action cards for kids are a great way to get your Pokemon lover moving and playing! They're especially great for working on important practical skills such as listening, following directions, and taking turns. They're also great for working on oral comprehension, something that kids with hyperlexia need help with!

Free printable Pokemon action cards for kids - great boredom buster with lots of gross motor ideas from And Next Comes L

Pokemon Activity for Kids with Free Printable!

While reading through The Official National Pokedex book with my boys one night, I suggested that they try recreating some of the Pokemon character's attacks and moves. 

The kids had so much fun flipping through the book, picking a character, and trying to perform an action based on the Pokemon's particular attack name. 

So I decided to turn it into a printable set that we could use over and over again for a quick gross motor boredom buster when we needed it.

About these Pokemon Action Cards

This free printable set of action cards includes 55 prompts and ideas. They are a great way to work on the following skills:

  • Imaginative play
  • Gross motor skills
  • Emotional awareness (make a scary face or show a mean look, for example, work on complex emotions)
  • Listening skills & oral comprehension
  • Following directions
  • Taking turns (each person playing takes turns selecting a card and performing the action)

For a fun twist, play this game like "Simon Says." Pick an action card, say "Pokemon trainer [insert name] says," and get the kids to perform the action.

Download the Free Printable Pokemon Action Cards

This printable is five pages long and contains 11 prompts or actions per page, for a total of 55 ideas. Simply print, cut, and play. Since they're written in little strips, you could fold them up, put them in a hat, and pull them out one by one.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free printable Pokemon action cards for kids - great boredom buster with lots of gross motor ideas from And Next Comes L