Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Free Printable LEGO "Today I Feel" Emotions Chart

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How cute is this free printable LEGO Today I Feel emotions chart for kids? It's a great way to work on emotional self-regulation with kids.

We are constantly working on emotions with my son with autism and hyperlexia and, honestly, my four year old needs extra practice too since he thinks people can only ever be happy or angry and nothing else. So I made this free printable LEGO "Today I feel" emotions chart to work on identifying, recognizing, and talking about emotions. 

Free printable LEGO "Today I feel" visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

Free Printable Visual LEGO Emotions Chart for Kids

We use this chart to work on speech as well since I prompt them to read the sentence out loud. Sometimes I will ask them, "How are you feeling today?" before the select a head for the LEGO man. I always ask them to explain why they picked the emotion they picked. I explain more below.

Here's what you'll need to make this visual LEGO emotions chart:

Print off the LEGO chart, either in full color or in black and white. I only have a black and white printer so I couldn't print it in color. Cut the LEGO heads into cards. Laminate. Cut the LEGO heads into cards. Add a Velcro dot to the top of the headless body. Then add Velcro dots to the back of each LEGO head.

Practice emotions and feelings with this free printable LEGO visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

Your child can add one of the six different LEGO heads to the LEGO man's body. The emotions include scared, angry, happy, sad, excited, and surprised. 

Free printable LEGO inspired visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

Free printable LEGO inspired visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

We've been doing this every morning. I like to encourage my kids to pick a LEGO head and then read the complete sentence out loud. So if they pick the happy head, then they will say, "Today I feel happy." I usually ask a follow up why question, especially for J since WH questions are difficult for him due to his hyperlexia. So yes, I use this LEGO emotions chart as a speech tool for my son and it's definitely working!

Practice emotions and feelings with this free printable LEGO visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

I love the scared face. It makes me giggle.

Practice emotions and feelings with this free printable LEGO visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L

How to Download this LEGO Emotions Chart

This printable includes a LEGO man body and 12 LEGO emotion heads, including one blank head for you to draw your own emotions. There are two variations available. One says "Today I Feel" and one says "I am feeling." The file is in .zip format and includes two PDFs.

To get your copy, simply enter your details below.

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Free printable LEGO "Today I feel" visual emotions chart for kids from And Next Comes L