Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pokemon Apps for Kids

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It's no secret that we like Pokemon around here.

In fact, both boys live and breathe Pokemon at the moment and have since last summer.

J sleeps with his giant Pikachu from Build-A-Bear every night, while K cuddles with his "baby Pikachu" that we won at West Edmonton Mall's Galaxyland earlier this summer. And there's not a day that goes by where tiny Pokemon figures hang out on our kitchen table while we eat.

So when my husband surprised me with an iPad back in May, we, naturally, had to check out what was available in terms of Pokemon apps for kids. If your kids are just getting into Pokemon due to the popularity of Pokemon Go, then you must check out these other apps too!

Pokemon apps for kids from And Next Comes L

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Pokemon Apps for Kids

Pokemon Shuffle - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L

1. Pokemon Shuffle

One of J's favorite games, Pokemon Shuffle is a puzzle game similar to like Bejeweled, but instead of lining up jewels, you line up Pokemon heads to battle an opposing Pokemon. Tons of fun and the music is catchy!

Camp Pokemon - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L
2. Camp Pokemon

This app is so much fun! It allows kids to hunt for Pokemon, throw pokeballs, and play a variety of other Pokemon games.

Pokemon Go - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L

3. Pokemon Go 

Get outside and collect Pokemon in the wild! Such a great way to get active with the kids.

Pokemon Trading Card Game - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L

4. Pokemon Trading Card Game

If your kid is a fan of playing the physical card game, then they'll love the online version as well! I also recommend using this app to learn how to play the game. So if your kid is just starting out and wants to learn all the rules, then playing the online app is the best way to learn!

Pokemon TV - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L

5. Pokemon TV

Just like the name suggests, this app is a giant collection of Pokemon TV episodes.

Guide for Pokedex - Pokemon Apps for Kids from And Next Comes L

6. Guide for Pokedex

Although this app is not an official Pokemon Company app, it is still a nice app for Pokemon fans. It is basically an app version of the entire Pokedex so kids can scroll through and learn about their favorite Pokemon.

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Pokemon apps for kids from And Next Comes L