Friday, September 30, 2016

Building Emotions LEGO Activity

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We've been working on emotions at our house with a variety of activities, mostly with a LEGO theme. For instance, the kids recently drew emotions on 3D LEGO heads and played this printable LEGO I spy game. As another way to use LEGO to explore emotions, I set up this simple fine motor activity for my youngest son.

This fine motor LEGO activity for kids encourages kids to explore, build, and recreate some common emotions.

Building emotions LEGO activity for kids - great for developing fine motor skills from And Next Comes L

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LEGO Activity for Kids to Build & Explore Emotions

For this activity, I used:

Before presenting this fine motor LEGO activity to five year old K, I built a LEGO head out of yellow bricks on a small green base plate. I then placed the finished LEGO head and the LEGO emotion cards on a tray. You could either present the activity with an emotion already built (like below) or leave the LEGO head blank.

Fine motor LEGO activity for kids from And Next Comes L

The idea is to recreate the emotions on the cards by building them on the LEGO head. It's a great way to work on social-emotional development, while encouraging fine motor skills practice. K wanted to start with happy.

Exploring emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Fine motor LEGO activity for kids from And Next Comes L

Then he worked his way through the other emotions, pausing only occasionally to show off his creations on the LEGO head.

Exploring emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Exploring emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L

Then K explored a variety of other emotions not available on the printable emotion cards and experimented with making his own creations. He was quite proud of this little guy!

Exploring emotions using LEGO from And Next Comes L

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Building emotions LEGO activity for kids - great for developing fine motor skills from And Next Comes L