Friday, May 10, 2019

Best Chew Necklaces for Kids Who Chew on Everything

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The most durable chew necklaces for the kids who chew on everything!

I've mentioned many times that J is an avid chewer, frequently chewing through what are supposedly the toughest chew necklaces in just a matter of hours or days. We've definitely tried a variety of chewies and chew necklaces over the years, so, at this point, I feel like we are experts on chewelry (also known as chewable jewelry).

I also get asked all the time for suggestions on the best chew options for oral motor sensory seekers, like J. 

So here are our top picks and favorites for the best chewable necklaces for kids who chew on everything

Chew necklaces reviews and options for the kids who chew on everything

The Toughest, Most Durable Chewelry and Chew Necklaces for Kids Who Chew on Everything

The chewelry and sensory chewing toys on this list are ones that we have personally tested, have lasted more than a minimum of three months, and have passed the chew destruction test by J. 

We have declared these options the most durable chewable necklaces for our house and, as we discover new brands and styles that meet our needs, I will add them to this list.

So in no particular order, here are our top rated, most durable chew necklaces.

1. Abilitations Integrations Chewlery Chewable Jewelry - Set of 7 Necklaces

Abilitations Integrations Chewlery Chewable Jewelry - Set of 7 Necklaces

One reason I love this set of chewable necklaces is because of the price. They are so affordable! 

I also love that they don't have clasps because, let me be honest, J ends up chewing on clasps and breaking them all the time. But the main reason I love these necklaces for J is that they are indestructible. They show no wear and seem next to impossible to chew through. J has been gnawing on these necklaces for years now and he has yet to chew through one of them completely.

Now for the downsides of this chew sensory necklace...They are not good for kids with long hair. Hair can easily get tangled in them. Not a problem for us since J has super short hair. 

The other negative is that J spends a lot of time fidgeting and playing with these necklaces while he chews on them. He stretches them around his body. Not a huge issue, except for when he is sitting on, say, the school gym floor during assemblies and the necklace is constantly touching the floor. Gross, right? But as long as this necklace stays around his neck or in his mouth, we have had no issues with these necklaces.

Also, beware of the slobber whip! A signature move that involves a child whipping and spinning the wet, slobbery necklace's a real thing, trust me!

2. ARK's Krypto-Bite XXT Chewable Gem Necklace Chew Jewelry (Extra Extra Tough)

ARK Krypto-Bite XXT Chewable Necklace

This autism necklace chew has lasted forever at our house! There is no texture to this necklace and the long narrow shape of it is perfect for kids who like to really chew with their back molars. 

I love that ARK's chew necklaces come in a variety of toughness levels, so if you have an extremely avid chewer like I do, then you will definitely want to purchase the extra extra tough version. I don't, however, recommend the textured chew necklaces for avid chewers. They did not hold up at all for us, but the plain, smooth ones are definitely fantastic!

3. Silicone Cookie Teether/Chew Necklace

Silicone Cookie Chew

We have multiple colors of these cookie chewies and I must admit that I was hesitant at first about them. They are bulky, so definitely not discreet. However, I was more concerned about the texture of these cookies since J, in the past, has chewed textured bits off some of the extra extra tough chewies in less than 24 hours. So the fact that J hasn't destroyed any of these cookies in the almost 12 months that we've had them is astounding. And we have like four of them! (update: he still hasn't chewed through one years later)

The white band around the cookie (the cookie's stuffing) does get pulled off all the time. J hasn't chewed through it yet, but if anything were to get broken on this chew, it would be that part first. However, it could easily be removed if you think your child may chew right through it.

Our favorite cookie chew necklaces are from Canadian DIY Supply (they have an amazing selection of chewbeads in all shapes, colors, and sizes). You can read more about why I love their silicone beads and chew beads here.

4. Chewigem Disc Pendant

Chewigem necklace

We have a glow-in-the-dark version of this Chewigem chewable necklace, but it comes in all sorts of colors and designs. It's nice and thick, making it extremely durable and indestructible. At least, J hasn't been able to chew through his yet and it's been a couple of year now...

If you are a Canadian reader, then I've got a bonus for you. You can save 10% on any Chewigem product (excludes memberships and discovery boxes) when you use this link and enter the coupon code ancl10  (ancl = And Next Comes L so yeah that's an L not an I in that coupon code).

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Chew necklaces reviews and options for the kids who chew on everything