Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hyperlexia Research & Journal Articles

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Hyperlexia research papers and scientific journal articles. For nerdy people like me who want to dig deeper into their knowledge about hyperlexia and get a better understanding of this incredibly unique learning profile.

I am a research junkie. In particular, I love to read through academic and scientific journals about topics that are of high interest to me, namely hyperlexia.

Just the other week someone in my hyperlexia support group (now defunct sorry - join the free Hyperlexia Hub community instead) had a good chuckle about me reading an article about fMRI imaging and hyperlexia on a Saturday morning! See, totally nerdy!

So, if you are interested in learning about hyperlexia through scientific research and academic journals, then you're in the right spot. There are over 50 hyperlexia research articles and studies below to read through that all have open access or PDFs available to download. You case you need a little light bedtime reading...

Hyperlexia research papers and scientific journal articles

This post was last updated on March 18, 2025. New research papers were added, dead/broken links were removed, and the articles were arranged into new sections.

Hyperlexia Research

The academic articles and research below are included for informational purposes only. Inclusion of the links below are not necessarily reflective of my opinions. In fact, I haven't even read most of these yet! So, really, this list of articles is as much for me to read through as it is for you.

Please note that I've only included links to those articles that have open access or PDFs available. There are plenty of other research papers on hyperlexia that aren't included here, simply because they don't have open access or are hidden behind a paywall.

At the time of publishing this blog post, all links worked. The following links will redirect to you the full text version, PDF directly, and/or a place where you can download the PDF.

Research Articles from 2020-Current

Research Articles from 2010-2019

Research Articles from 2000-2009

Research Articles Prior to 2000

Hopefully, you're able to find some time to dig through this hyperlexia research. It's really quite fascinating to read through and learn about.

Hyperlexia research papers and scientific journal articles