Wednesday, February 01, 2017

10 Easy Indoor Gross Motor Activities for Kids

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When the kids are cooped up indoors because of frigid temperatures or rain, we like to gather up some everyday materials and items from around the house and repurpose them for some good old fashioned gross motor play! Our DIY crash mat is one example. As are these gross motor ideas using an exercise ball.

Most of these ideas require zero prep (yay!!), which means you can literally grab the materials and go. Then the kids will be burning off their excess energy in no time!

10 easy ways to get the kids moving indoors using everyday objects from And Next Comes L

10 Easy Ways to Get the Kids Moving Indoors Using Everyday Items

These ideas are seriously easy and fun. Just grab a few materials like the laundry basket that's holding piles of laundry to either be folded or washed. Or all those Amazon prime boxes waiting to be recycled.

Your kids are going to love these!

10 easy ways to get the kids moving indoors using everyday objects from And Next Comes L