Monday, January 21, 2019

100 Simple Calm Down Strategies for Kids {Free Printable List Included!}

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A huge free printable list of 100 calm down strategies for kids. These are simple strategies kids can use to calm down when angry, upset, frustrated, or overwhelmed. The free printable makes an excellent addition to a homemade calm down kit as well.

My son needs a lot of help self-regulating some days so we are constantly introducing him to new calm down techniques.

We already make use of our visual calm down cards and the various DIY sensory hacks that I have made for him, but we still haven't pinpointed the exact sensory calming strategies that work best for him on a regular basis. Some days certain calm down strategies work, but fail to help the next day.

Thankfully this list of 100 calming strategies for kids is massive, so we certainly have lots of strategies left to try!

Free printable list of 100 calming strategies for kids

100 Simple Calm Down Strategies

This list of calm down techniques for kids covers a wide range of sensory inputs, from oral motor to proprioceptive.

So whether you kid finds chewing calming or being squished calming, there is something for everyone on this list! This list of ideas is perfect for home or school. No need to wonder how to calm down a kid when you have this huge list of sensory calming strategies for children handy!

1. Blow bubbles

2. Chew gum

3. Chew on a chewy toy, necklace, or bracelet (see: DIY Chewelry Ideas & Best Chew Necklaces for Kids)

4. Complete a puzzle

5. Use a fidget

6. Use a weighted lap cushion or weighted stuffed animal (see: 13 DIY Weighted Blanket Tutorials)

7. Wear a weighted vest or pressure vest (see: 10 DIY Weighted Vest Tutorials)

8. Stretch and fidget with a stretchy resistance band (see: Homemade Stretchy Resistance Bands Tutorial)

9. Crawl through a sensory tunnel (see: Homemade Sensory Tunnel)

10. Wear noise reducing ear muffs

11. Suck on hard candies

12. Diffuse essential oils such as lavender

13. Use Rescue Remedy spray

14. Listen to music

15. Listen to audiobooks

16. Do some yoga

17. Lay or bounce on a ball

18. Sing the ABCs forwards or backwards

19. Build with blocks or LEGO

20. Go for a run

21. Swing (see: Homemade Sensory Swings)

22. Pet a cat or dog

23. Draw with chalk

24. Go for a walk

25. Go to a quiet place

26. Paint a picture

27. Do a maze, dot to dot, or word search

28. Read a book

29. Count slowly forwards or backwards

30. Ask for a hug

31. Take a drink of water

32. Wrap up in a blanket (weighted or not)

33. Invert head or hang upside down

34. Close your eyes

35. Hum or sing a song

36. Do some deep breathing

37. Go for a bike ride

38. Draw a picture

39. Play hopscotch (mix it up with Rocket Hopscotch)

40. Jump on a trampoline (try one of these Trampoline Games)

41. Climb a tree

42. Play an instrument and make music

43. Do a heavy work activity (see: 50 Heavy Work Activities for Kids)

44. Use a calm down bottle

45. Do animal walks

46. Dance

47. Skip

48. Do a cartwheel

49. Take a bubble bath

50. Drink a smoothie through a straw

51. Make silly faces in a mirror

52. Drink a warm beverage

53. Look at an hourglass, lava lamp, or aquarium

54. Rip tissue paper (see: Tissue Paper Sensory Bin)

55. Bend and twist pipe cleaners

56. Have a snack

57. Pop bubble wrap

58. Play with play dough, slime, or silly putty

59. Look at a photo album

60. Blow a pinwheel

61. Squeeze a stress ball (see: DIY Pokemon Stress Balls)

62. Tightly hug or squeeze a pillow or toy

63. Wear an eye mask

64. Listen to nature sounds

65. Spin a top

66. Use a mini massager

67. Climb into a body sock

68. Make a craft

69. Play a one player board game (we love Rush Hour for this!)

70. Rub some scented lotion on

71. Wear sunglasses

72. Light a scented candle

73. Journal

74. Color a picture in a coloring book

75. Play with shadow puppets

76. Blow a feather

77. Blow a pom pom around using a straw

78. Take a bath with Epsom salts

79. Ask for a break

80. Push against a wall

81. Play with a sensory bin (lots of sensory bin ideas here)

82. Crash into a crash pad (see: DIY No Sew Crash Mat Tutorial)

83. Take a shower

84. Suck on ice

85. Do some joint compressions

86. Brush hair and/or skin

87. Blow bubbles in a cup of water

88. Smell scratch and sniff stickers

89. Turn off the lights

90. Read with a flashlight

91. Play I spy (check out our massive collection of I Spy Printables)

92. Braid your hair

93. Climb a ladder or rock wall

94. Use positive affirmations

95. Hug someone

96. Doodle on paper, whiteboard, or similar

97. Use visual calm down cards or posters (see: Free Printable Visual Calm Down Cards)

98. Stretch

99. Play with a pet

100. Trace your hands with your finger

Download the Free Printable List of Calming Strategies

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable

Free printable list of sensory calming strategies for children

Free printable list of 100 calming strategies for kids