Thursday, March 21, 2013

Counting on the Light Box

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Remember the counting cups I made for this St. Patrick's Day activity?  When I made them, I knew that they would work perfectly on the light box. So here's how we explored counting on the light box.

  • Clear plastic containers, labeled with permanent markers from 1-20 - I use individual serving sized applesauce containers.
  • Colored glass beads
  • Light box
I set up the light box in the basement with the lights turned off and the light box turned on.  I laid out the containers with numbers one to four on the light box.  J knew what to do right away!  He counted the correct number into each cup.

Ahhh...perfectly counted by J.
Here are a few more pictures of the fun J had:
J counting away
Close up of the fine motor skills being used
They look so pretty on the lightbox!
This activity turned out great and I am guessing that they will be making a regular appearance during light box play.

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