Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pirate Themed Quiet Book Pages

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I love the stuff on Imagine Our Life's site, especially the quiet book pages.  The Treasure Quiet Book Page was the inspiration for my own pirate themed quiet book pages.

Arr!  It's quiet book pages fit for a pirate!
How I Made It
I used felt, ribbon, velcro, fabric batting, and glitter foam to make these pages.

The treasure map is tied using a ribbon, a skill still difficult for J to do, but when open it reveals a treasure map.  The details on the treasure map were hot glued on, while the trail is sewn.  Below the map is part of the beach where the treasure is buried.  

The treasure map and the beach where the treasure is buried.
Inside the X is a hidden key to open the treasure chest with.  The key is on a ribbon and can slide in and out of where the treasure is buried.  Then the key can be pulled to the next page and used to open the treasure chest.

A close up of the key for the treasure chest
The sword is stuffed with fabric batting and attaches to the page with velcro.  It is also attached to a ribbon so that it definitely won't get misplaced.  Inside the treasure chest is some coins, diamonds, a crown, and a necklace, all made from glitter foam.  The ribbon on the treasure chest is hot glued on.

The sword and the treasure chest
Why We Love These Pages
These pages provide lots of great imaginative play.  They also provide an opportunity to practice important skills like tying a bow and learning that keys are used to open locks.  The boys especially love playing with the treasure.

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