Friday, March 22, 2013

Wobbly Easter Bunny Craft for Kids

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A bunny craft for kids to make using plastic Easter eggs.

When I first made our wobbly Easter eggs, I had a vision of turning them into cute little bunnies.

So obviously that happened... 

Below you will find a tutorial for how to make this Easter bunny craft for kids using plastic eggs and a hot glue gun.

Bunny craft for kids

Easter Bunny Craft for Kids Made with DIY Wobbly Eggs

Here's what you'll need to make a wobbly Easter egg bunny:

  • Cardstock, cut into bunny shaped ears
  • 2 pompoms (one for a nose and one for a tail)
  • Hot glue gun
I made this craft with J's assistance.  I didn't think normal craft glue would do the trick, so I pulled out the hot glue gun instead.  He helped pick out the pompoms and told me to make him a happy bunny.  I don't feel comfortable letting him use a glue least not yet.  So this craft is meant more for older kids.

Easter bunny craft for kids

Bunny craft

J was so excited to play with the bunny afterwards.  While I was teaching piano, he sat in the chair in my piano studio talking away to it.  His conversation went like this:

"Whatcha doing bunny?" 
"Do you like reading books?" 

Haha! So the bunny lead to some great imaginative play.

However, an hour later, he was missing an ear and was decapitated...