Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wobbly Easter Egg Ramp Races

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The Wobbly Easter Eggs that I made led to so many different and fun activities, including this simple science themed Easter activity.  J absolutely loved this particular activity and spent quite a few hours playing with it. It's a great way to explore physics.

J putting wobbly Easter eggs on to a cardboard ramp from And Next Comes L

Simple Easter Activity for Kids: Wobbly Easter Egg Races

For this activity, we used:

Make a ramp using some recycled cardboard.  I folded up the sides so that the egg couldn't leave the ramp prematurely.  I then set up two cardboard ramps using a couch in the living room.  I placed the wobbly Easter eggs on the couch.

Cardboard ramps and wobbly Easter eggs from And Next Comes L

J putting wobbly Easter eggs on to a cardboard ramp from And Next Comes L

J then tried to race the eggs on the two different ramps at the same time.  The one ramp wasn't as sturdy, so it kept collapsing.

J trying to race wobbly Easter eggs on two cardboard ramps from And Next Comes L