Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mix and Match Owls Felt Board Play

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I have been digging through my felt scraps a lot lately, especially after making a brand new felt board for the boys.  So when I came across this adorable owl flannel board the other day, I knew it was what I would be making next for the felt board.

Mix and match owls on the felt board from And Next Comes L

As with most craft projects that I do, I just cut it out free hand with no patterns.  I made six owl shapes, six various tummy shapes, and six sets of eyes and beaks.  The pairs of eyes were hot glued together with a beak to make one facial piece.  So the final play set includes 18 pieces.

Pieces in the mix and match owl felt board set from And Next Comes L 

  The pieces can easily be interchanged to make a variety of different owls.

Owl felt board play for kids from And Next Comes L

Owl felt board play for kids from And Next Comes L

J is convinced that these are "Angry Bird Owls" and enjoyed creating his own owls.  He also put the owls on the board sideways so that the owls could sleep.  It was really cute.  Unfortunately, I did not have my camera nearby to take pictures.  Instead, I leave you with some pictures of K making some owls.

Making owls on the felt board from And Next Comes L

Toddler made owls on the felt board from And Next Comes L

Making owls on the felt board from And Next Comes L

Want more felt board inspiration?  Check out our mix and match monsters or our dress up dinosaur.  Then follow my Felt Board Play board on Pinterest for even more great ideas!

Felt board play for toddlers using mix and match owls from And Next Comes L