Friday, May 31, 2013

Garrett's Mini Quiet Book

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My good friend's little guy just turned three and for his birthday, I made this mini felt quiet book for him.  It's mini in that it's half the size of the quiet books that I made for my boys AND it has way fewer pages, at least for now.  However, since I like to use binder rings for all of my quiet books, I can easily make new pages for other gift giving occasions such as Christmas.  So it's a gift that keeps on going.  Sweet, right?

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This quiet book took me approximately three hours to make from start to finish.

I like to personalize the cover with the child's name so here's the front of Garrett's mini quiet book.  I just hot glued foam letters on the cover.

I made a simple owl puzzle.  The pieces adhere to the page with velcro.

The 123 page has three flaps with shapes underneath to practice counting.

Under the flaps you will see, one heart, two circles, and three squares.

The dump truck page has detachable wheels that are attached with velcro.  The back of the dump truck is attached with a brad fastener, which means it can move up and down.  It's perfect for some imaginary dumping play.

The dinosaur taggy page is similar to the one I made here.

Then I made a three-stringed guitar.  It's perfect for pretend play.  The strings are rubber bands.

And that's Garrett's mini quiet book!

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