Monday, June 17, 2013

Bugs by the Numbers Sensory Bin

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For the past 4-5 months, J has been in love with a book called Bugs by the Numbers by Sharon Werner and Sarah Fords.  I have talked about this book before here, but the main reason J likes it is because it is filled with numbers.  LOADS of numbers.  So, of course, he's in number heaven while reading this book.  Anyway, I have been wanting to do a sensory bin inspired by this book for the longest time and finally got around to setting one up.

A sensory bin for kids inspired by the book Bugs by the Numbers from And Next Comes L

I set up this super simple sensory bin for J while K was napping.  I used some foam number stickers, invisible hot glue numbers, and large foam numbers as the base.  We used some bug figurines from a Safari Ltd. Insects TOOB.  And I also made sure to have the book handy for some bug and number matching.

This sensory bin was so bright and colorful that I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of it before J played with it.

A sensory bin for kids inspired by the book Bugs by the Numbers from And Next Comes L

A sensory bin for kids inspired by the book Bugs by the Numbers from And Next Comes L

Bugs and numbers in a sensory bin from And Next Comes L

Then it was time to play!

J checking out the bug and numbers in the sensory bin from And Next Comes L
"Ooooh, NUMBERS!"
J checking out the bug and numbers in the sensory bin from And Next Comes L
Of course, J spent most of his time playing with the numbers.
And here's J doing some bug and number matching using the book.

Matching bugs from And Next Comes L
Matching the grasshoppers.
J matching a bug to the book from And Next Comes L
Matching the fly with his numbers.
J absolutely loved this sensory bin!  And why wouldn't he?  It's based on one of his favorite books and includes numbers.

Looking for more sensory bins?  Be sure to check out our other sensory bins, including the Arctic Small World Sensory Bin, Dinosaur Dig Sensory Bin, and Medieval Sensory Bin.  Or check out the two simple sensory bins that I set up using the invisible numbers.