Friday, July 12, 2013

Color Sensory Bins: Blue

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It has been awhile since we've done a color sensory bin, so I thought we'd explore the color blue next.  

I have a huge pail of beautiful blue water beads.  They are the same ones that have been used for the Arctic Small World Sensory Bin and our outdoor water bead and pool noodle activity.  So I used the water beads as the base for this bin.  I also added some blue plastic cups, blue cookie cutters, some blue bottle tops from our recycling bin, a large blue lid also from the recycling bin, and some blue tube shots.  Here's how the finished bin looked:

J explored this bin by himself while K was napping.  However, I love the feel of water beads, so I also dug in.  It was really relaxing for me to swish my hands through the water beads.  Seriously.  They are so amazing to touch and feel.

J quickly went to work scooping, pouring, and transferring the water beads from one container to another.

When K woke up, he joined in.

And of course, he HAD to have the same blue cup that J was holding.  So I quickly add two blue plastic bowls, hoping that would be similar enough.  Nope.  Nada.

Eventually, they did work something out and happily scooped and dumped water beads everywhere.

Remember when I said it was relaxing to play with water beads.  It didn't stay that way for long.  Soon water beads were everywhere.  Then J got upset and started crying about something, which lead to him peeing on the floor.  So like I shared on my Facebook page, it's all fun and games until there are water beads everywhere and someone pees on the floor.

Be sure to check out the other color sensory bins in this series: