Saturday, September 21, 2013

Letter E Quiet Book Page {ABC Quiet Book}

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How to make a quiet book page for an ABC quiet book. This letter E quiet book idea features an adorable elephant, cracking eggs, and eagle finger puppets.

It's been awhile since I've had time to finish sewing a page for the ABC quiet book despite having numerous pages already cut out.  Well, I finally got around to finishing up letter E.  As you can see, E is for elephant and eggs, but there's more E goodness to be found!

How to make a letter E themed quiet book page for an ABC quiet book

The elephant's trunk is movable as it's attached with a brad fastener.  One of the elephant's ears also lifts up to reveal a miniature Earth.

How to make a letter E themed quiet book page for an ABC quiet book

Then there are the eggs.  I was originally just going to make them into puzzles, but decided to make them into little pockets for another E item.  Any guesses as to what's in the eggs?

How to make a letter E themed quiet book page for an ABC quiet book

Little eagle finger puppets!  Cute, right?

How to make a letter E themed quiet book page for an ABC quiet book

How to make a letter E themed quiet book page for an ABC quiet book

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