Monday, September 16, 2013

Homemade Texture Cards for Light Table Play

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Ever since we finished building our homemade light table, I have been kind of obsessed with creating new and fun ways for the kids to play and explore on it.  As a result, I rooted through my craft supplies for inspiration, which lead me to create these simple texture cards for light table play.  They're not only translucent, but they're embossed and full of sensory goodness!

Homemade texture cards for light table play from And Next Comes L

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Homemade Texture Cards for Light Table Play

These homemade cards are so simple to make, easy enough for the kids to help.  It only requires a few materials: vellum, an embossing machine (I used my Sizzix Texture Boutique Embossing Machine), and some embossing folders.  Just choose any embossing folders you'd like.

I cut the vellum into 3" x 3" squares before running them through my embossing machine.  J loves to turn the crank on my embossing machine so he helped me create all of these cards.

Homemade texture cards for light table play from And Next Comes L

I think that they look pretty neat on the light table and they also feel really cool.

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