Friday, September 06, 2013

Homemade 100 Chart

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While I was cleaning out my cold storage room a week or two ago, I came across the shower curtain scraps from the homemade play parachute that I made.  I wondered what I could do with the scraps and shoved them back into a bag while I brainstormed some ideas.  I eventually decided to use the shower curtain with circles on it to make a 100 chart for my number-obsessed son J.  Turns out he loves it.  You'll have to scroll down to find out what his reaction to this chart was.

Homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

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The shower curtain I used had circles all over it, row after row after row.  So I cut it so that it would be 5 circles wide by 20.  If you recall, I purchased this shower curtain from the dollar store for $1.50.  Using a permanent marker, I wrote the numbers 1-100 on the shower curtain.  Stay focused though!  I got distracted and skipped over 33 and realized it two numbers later.  Remember, permanent markers aren't very forgiving of silly little mistakes!

Close up of homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

I then collected as many glass stones as I could find and set up the invitation to count as follows:

Homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

The boys worked together to count all the way up to 100, placing a glass stone on each number.

Counting to 100 with a homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

Counting to 100 with a homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

Counting to 100 with a homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

K getting ready to count from And Next Comes L

Brothers counting together from And Next Comes L

Brothers counting together from And Next Comes L

As you can see, counting to 100 is very serious work.  Neither J nor K said a word while working away on the chart.

Brothers counting together from And Next Comes L

Glass stones on the homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

I love this picture below.  There's something so peaceful and serene about K sucking his thumb in the background.

J counting on the homemade 100 chart from And Next Comes L

Once J finished counting to 100, the first thing he said to me was, "More numbers please!" typical of J!

Bet you didn't know that shower curtains are also good for learning sight words or for making a homemade play parachute.  And that's not all!  Shower curtain rings make good play things too for learning letters and spelling words or building giant shapes and letters.