Monday, September 23, 2013

Shower Curtain Rings & Glass Stones on the Light Table

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It's no secret that we've been enjoying our light table lately.  Inspired by an activity that used wooden rings and loose parts on the light table, I came up with my own version using shower curtain rings.  Yes, the shower curtain rings have returned!  So I set up this basket of shower curtain rings and various colored glass stones on the light table for J to explore while K had his nap.

A simple invitation to play on the light table using loose parts from And Next Comes L

Light Table Activity for Kids: Exploring Loose Parts

These shower curtain rings are becoming a versatile loose part lately (see herehere, and here), but we had never used them on the light table before this activity.  And they look pretty neat.  I'd love to see what some of the colored translucent ones would look like on here.

Shower curtain rings on the light table from And Next Comes L

Anyway, J started off by placing the shower curtain rings all over the table.

J at the light table from And Next Comes L

Then he started adding some glass stones to each ring.

Shower curtain rings and glass stones on the light table from And Next Comes L

After looking even closer at what he was doing, I noticed that he was practicing grouping.  Notice the three stones in each ring below.

Grouping on the light table using shower curtain rings and glass stones from And Next Comes L

Still working on grouping three stones in each ring...

Grouping on the light table using shower curtain rings and glass stones from And Next Comes L

Then he told me he was going to "group four."

More grouping on the light table using shower curtain rings and glass stones from And Next Comes L

After he finished grouping, he started stacking the shower curtain rings.  He also placed the glass stones from each ring inside his tower, which helped to make his tower good and sturdy.

Stacking shower curtain rings and glass stones on the light table from And Next Comes L

And here's his finished tower using all the shower curtain rings and glass stones that we could find nearby.  Like I said, nice and sturdy!

Tower of shower curtain rings and glass stones on the light table from And Next Comes L

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