Thursday, October 31, 2013

Building With Plastic Cups

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This simple engineering STEM activity for kids has been an old favorite of the boys' for a really long time.  It's quick to set up and it can use any type of recycling that you have on hand.  We have used large yogurt containers before, but I prefer to use the individual applesauce containers.

And goodness, we have tons of these containers kicking around!

This activity is so simple and inexpensive.  

It's also open-ended and can lead to all sorts of creations.  

However, the reason I love an activity like this is that it often results in some great sibling play.  They work together to create (and destroy!), all while working on important skills like cooperation and problem solving, just to name a few.

Boredom buster STEM challenge for kids: building with plastic cups from And Next Comes L

Simple Engineering STEM Activity for Toddlers & Preschoolers

For this activity, we used recycled applesauce containers. That's it!

Building a tower out of recyclable containers from And Next Comes L

Like I mentioned, it's really quick to set up.  Just set out the containers and let the building commence.

Simple boredom buster for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L

Building with plastic cups from And Next Comes L

J is very methodical when he builds and takes the time to carefully plan and count out the number of containers that he needs.  If he runs out, he simply puts construction on hold and requests more cups.

Then the boys are always sure to destroy what has been built so that they can start over again.  Destruction is easily the best part, especially for a toddler like K.  He was built for destruction!

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Simple engineering STEM challenge for kids: building with plastic cups from And Next Comes L