Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jack-O-Lantern Play on the Overhead Projector or the Light Table

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For a fun Halloween activity for kids, try making giant Jack-O-Lanterns on the overhead project or designing miniature ones on the light table.

Making jack-o-lanterns on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

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Halloween Light Play for Kids

Here's one more Halloween activity that we did.  This time we used the overhead projector to make some giant jack-o-lanterns.  However, as you will see, you can also do this activity on the light table.

Jack-o-lantern play on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

To make the pumpkin, I cut an orange transparent duotang that I had leftover from these homemade light table manipulatives.  I also cut a green stem and taped it to the pumpkin shape.  Here's a close up of how it looks once it's projected with the overhead projector.

Blank jack-o-lantern on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

I then set out some craft sticks and black glass stones to decorate the pumpkins with.  You could use whatever you have on hand, including shapes cut from cardstock or construction paper.

Making jack-o-lanterns on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

J was really into making some funky looking jack-o-lanterns.

J making jack-o-lanterns on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

Some jack-o-lanterns on the overhead projector from And Next Comes L

Afterwards, we tried making jack-o-lanterns on the light table.  The color is a lot more vibrant on the light table, but then you definitely miss out on the gigantic-ness of using the projector.

Sample jack-o-lantern on the light table from And Next Comes L

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Jack-o-lantern play on the overhead projector or the light table from And Next Comes L