Fine Motor Light Table Activity for Kids
This invitation to thread just requires some cut up straws and some sort of string. I set it up on the light table for J while K had his afternoon nap. First, J used the straws to make some numbers. Shocking, I know...You can see his number 10 below.
Then, of course, he started spelling words with the straws. I'm not entirely sure what he was writing here, but you can see an "A" and a "L."
After using the straws to form letters and numbers, J eventually grabbed the string. That was when he discovered that he could thread the straws onto the string.
Then once J had threaded enough straws onto the string, he returned to making letters and numbers with the straw pieces. You can see his finished product below.
This activity was so simple to set up and great for working on those fine motor skills. Plus, the straws look kind of cool on the light table, don't you think?
If you missed last week's post, you can read about the Music Themed Cutting Tray here.
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