Friday, December 06, 2013

Snowflake Light Table Play & 14 Other Christmas/Winter Fine Motor Light Table Ideas

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We had some fun with snowflakes on the light table recently and as you will see, it encouraged lots of fine motor practice.  Plus, I get to show you my latest and greatest idea for the light table: a snowflake light table activity for kids!

Snowflake light table and fine motor play from And Next Comes L - plus 14 other Christmas & winter themed fine motor light table ideas

Snowflake Fine Motor Light Table Activity for Kids

Now before I show you what cool idea is coming up, I have a disclaimer.  If you are a self-proclaimed snowflake enthusiast (and I learned there are such people after writing this post), either avert your eyes now or carry on reading and cry afterwards about the not-so-perfect snowflakes.  I'm not striving for perfect snowflakes anyway, okay?  Nor do I want to hear about it. anyway, I came up with these super awesome snowflakes for the light table using hot glue.  Yup!  I made them the same way I made my "invisible" letters and numbers using a hot glue gun and some parchment paper.  And don't they look magical on the light table?

Hot glue snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

So I set out the hot glue snowflakes on the light table, along with the mirrored alphabet snowflakes from this winter sensory bin and snowflake party picks from this fine motor winter village.

Snowflake light table and fine motor play from And Next Comes L

The different snowflakes provided lots of opportunities for fine motor skills as demonstrated by my amazing hand models, J and K.  I still cannot believe how they posed their hands while I took these pictures.  These were all naturally occurring fine motor skills at work!  That is, I did not ask them to hold or point, etc.

Close up of fine motor skills during snowflake light table play from And Next Comes L

Close up of fine motor skills during snowflake light table play from And Next Comes L

Close up of fine motor skills during snowflake light table play from And Next Comes L

When I set up invitations like this on the light table, the boys will usually grab some extra items to expand their play.  You know, something a hammer...

K hammering snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

K hammering snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

J and K exploring snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

It still cracks me up that K chose to add a hammer to this activity.  Regardless, he was engaging more fine motor skills by using it.

K also grabbed some plastic containers, which led the boys to share and work together to put the snowflakes into the cups.  Some of these plastic containers are numbered from this counting activity, so J also did some counting of snowflakes.

Siblings exploring snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

K, on the other hand, just happily added snowflakes to the containers.

Sorting snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

Close up of hot glue snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

J also spend some time playing with the alphabet snowflakes by arranging them into rows and identifying the letters.  He also stacked some of them on top of the hot glue snowflakes.

Snowflake light table and fine motor play from And Next Comes L

Close up of hot glue snowflakes and alphabet snowflakes on the light table from And Next Comes L

It was such a simple activity to put together, but lead to all sorts of learning.  And it happened to be a perfect way to spend the day since it was -40C with the windchill here that day!  Brr...

14 Other Christmas/Winter Fine Motor Light Table Activities for Kids

  1. Christmas Light Patterns on the Light Table from And Next Comes L
  2. Winter Sensory Bin on the Light Table from And Next Comes L
  3. Christmas Themed Light Table Play from And Next Comes L
  4. Holiday Window Clings on the Light Table from De Tout et De Rien
  5. Decorating Christmas Trees on the Light Table from An Idea on Tuesday
  6. Christmas Themed Sorting on the Light Table from Caution! Twins at Play
  7. Christmas Themed Counting and Designing on the Light Table from Caution! Twins at Play
  8. Christmas Trees on the Light Table from StrongStart
  9. Decorate a Christmas Tree on the Overhead Projector from Play at Home Mom LLC
  10. Candy Cane Tubes with Glass Stones on the Light Table from Teach Preschool (Not originally a fine motor activity, but could easily be modified to have a child fill the candy cane with the glass stones.)
  11. Translucent Bead Ornaments from Mom 2 Posh Lil Divas (Not originally a light table activity, but would look amazing on the light table either after the ornament is finished or while making it.)
  12. Mark Making Winter Light Box from Interaction Imagination
  13. Acrylic Snowflakes on the Light Table from Playful Learning in the Early Years
  14. Exploring Light and Snowflakes on the Light Table and Overhead Projector from Adventures in Kindergarten

Other Ideas You'll Love

30 Christmas Play Recipes from Craftulate
Kid Made Ornaments from P is for Preschooler

Fine Motor Fridays: Christmas Round Up Edition at And Next Comes L

Snowflake Light Table Play plus 14 other Christmas and winter themed fine motor light table ideas from And Next Comes L.  Part of the Fine Motor Fridays Christmas Round Up Edition.