Friday, January 24, 2014

Cinnamon Heart Cloud Dough

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I'm a sucker for red candy, as I've mentioned before, and to me cinnamon heart candies were something to look forward to around Valentine's Day.  So my inspiration for this Valentine's sensory bin was those sweet and spicy candies that I loved so much growing up.  Although my cloud dough didn't turn out as red as those candies, it smelled just as good!

Cinnamon heart cloud dough and heart cookie cutters for Valentine's Day sensory play from And Next Comes L
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The recipe for the cinnamon heart cloud dough is pretty straightforward.  However, I am notorious for not measuring things when I cook (it drives my husband CRAZY!), so the measurements are approximate for this cloud dough recipe too.

Cinnamon Heart Cloud Dough Recipe
  • 4 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of oil
  • 1/4 cup of red powdered tempera paint
  • 1/8 cup of cinnamon

Mix all the dry ingredients together.  Start with 1/2 cup of oil and mix.  Gradually add more oil until the cloud dough is moldable.  It should not be sticky like cake batter or anything.  You can also feel free to add more powdered paint or perhaps even red food coloring or liquid watercolors until you achieve the red color you want.  I, however, ran out of the paint so I had to settle for a murky-dark pink color.  It wasn't nearly as vibrant nor as red as I had hoped.  However, it smelled so yummy!  I love the smell of cinnamon!

To finish off the sensory bin, I added our heart cookie cutters.

Cinnamon heart cloud dough and heart cookie cutters for Valentine's Day sensory play from And Next Comes L

Since it's too cold to play with messy sensory bins like this one outside, I set up a splash mat using two large shower curtains, hoping to contain the mess as much as possible.

Both boys were intrigued, but this picture really shows how long K played with it.  Yup, it was like a record-breaking 10 seconds or so before K moved on to bigger and better things.  J, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get messy!

The boys checking out the cinnamon heart cloud dough sensory bin from And Next Comes L

J loved the texture of the cloud dough on his hands.  He combed his hands through it many times before he started adding some dough to the heart cookie cutters.

Digging in cinnamon heart cloud dough for Valentine's Day sensory play from And Next Comes L

Digging in cinnamon heart cloud dough for Valentine's Day sensory play from And Next Comes L

J also loved to mold the dough into balls.

Close up of cinnamon heart cloud dough from And Next Comes L

Here he is making more balls, just minutes before he decided to start throwing them around like snowballs.  At which point, I called it quits with the camera so that I could remind him to keep it on the mats.

J playing with cinnamon heart cloud dough from And Next Comes L

If you like cloud dough, you should check out our coconut cloud dough sand recipe.

And don't forget to read the other posts in today's series!

What I Love Collage from House of Burke
Love Potions: Toddler Water Play from Still Playing School

Show Me The Love: Valentine's Crafts and Activities for Kids at And Next Comes L

Cinnamon heart cloud dough recipe for Valentine's Day sensory fun from And Next Comes L