Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Homemade Light Bright

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I always wanted a light bright as a kid.  I didn't end up getting one until we were given an original Lite Brite three years ago.  It was hard to find bulbs for it so it was quickly retired.  However, I kept the pegs, saving them for some future project.  So when we designed our light table, I always imagined making a light bright tabletop for it.  Well, it finally became a reality!  Cue the excitement because it is AWESOME!

Homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

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How to Make a Giant Homemade Light Bright for Kids

I was originally inspired by this light bright table by Schooling at Play, which was all homemade.  Then I saw, of course, that Play at Home Mom made one too from peg board.  

So I sent my husband to Rona with the dimensions of the light table and one light bright peg.  His mission was to test out the light bright peg in a piece of peg board that could be purchased.  If it didn't fit, which I figured it wouldn't, he was to purchase some hardboard so that we could design our own.  He ended up coming home with a 1/4" thick piece of hardboard, already cut to the dimensions of our light table.

Using the width of my level as I guide, I drew a frame around the hardboard.  I then started measuring a grid of 1/2" x 1/2" squares.  It was a tedious, tedious task.  I then marked off alternating intersections so that we could achieve that staggered look of the original Lite Brite.  I apologize for the not so great picture.  I'm still trying to figure out how to work this new DSLR camera of mine.

How we made our homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

Then my husband set off to drill all the spots marked with an x.  Yes, all 1430 of them!  Did I mention he was doing this in the garage when the temperatures were lower than -40 C?  I love my husband!  He informs me that he used a 11/64 drill bit to drill the holes.  He suggests going the next size up to compensate for paint build up, which I will explain in a bit.

Once the board was drilled and sanded, I gave it two coats of paint.  I used DecoArt black acrylic paint.  I then gave it two coats of Mod Podge to seal it up good.  However, lots of the holes ended up covered with paint and/or Mod Podge.  So I poked every single hole with a toothpick until they were all opened up.  Yes, all 1430 of them!

Then I tried a light bright peg.  Oh no!  It didn't fit very well.  We had forgot to compensate for the paint when my husband drilled the holes.  How disappointing!

So my husband offered to redrill all the holes.  Yes, all 1430 of them again!  PS: My husband is awesome. 

It was a long tedious process, but it was so worth it.  It looks absolutely incredible.  I am so excited to show it off.  So I will leave the pictures to do all the work.  They say it all.

Homemade light bright tabletop for the light table from And Next Comes L

Close up of light bright pegs on a homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

Close up of light bright pegs on a homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

Close up of light bright pegs on a homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

Homemade light bright from And Next Comes L

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Homemade light bright - a DIY project that converts your light table into a light bright from And Next Comes L