Monday, March 17, 2014

Building with WEDGiTS Light Table Activity & Mirror Play

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I am always on the lookout for cool toys for our light table.  One toy that I have been eyeing up for quite awhile are these translucent WEDGiTS, so of course, I was super excited when I was given the opportunity to review a set of them. 

We have been enjoying them for a couple of weeks now.  I say "we" because I truly like building with them too!  Both boys have also been engaging in all sorts of imaginative play using them, ranging from building pyramids for camels, bath tubs for rabbits, and baking layered cakes.  Open-ended building, creativity, and light table play?!  It doesn't get much better than these WEDGiTS.

Translucent WEDGiTS on the light table from And Next Comes L

This post contains affiliate links. I was provided with a WEDGiTS Deluxe: Translucent Set in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced by the free product.

Simple Light Table Activity for Kids: Playing with WEDGiTS on the Light Table

The WEDGiTS Deluxe: Translucent Set comes with thirty pieces in bright colors of various sizes.  They stack.  They wedge.  And they can be put together to build all sorts of neat creations!  The set comes with a booklet of building ideas, but J and K had their own ideas. 

Translucent WEDGiTS on the light table from And Next Comes L

Building with translucent WEDGiTS on the light table from And Next Comes L

This WEDGiTS set also comes with two clear plastic building stands, which are easily one of the boys' favorite piece.  The love to build inside the stands on and off the light table.   

Building with translucent WEDGiTS on the light table from And Next Comes L

Once the boys had the hang of how the WEDGiTS could stack, nest, and wedge together, I set out some tube shots to extend their play.  They ended up experimenting and making some pretty neat sculptures.

Building with translucent WEDGiTS and tube shots on the light table from And Next Comes L

Building with translucent WEDGiTS and tube shots on the light table from And Next Comes L

Simple STEM Activity for Kids: Building with WEDGiTS on Mirrors

Obviously, the WEDGiTS look amazing and bright on the light table, but they also look fascinating in natural light and on mirrors.  Here are a few photos of the boys building tall towers with the WEDGiTS on mirrors.

K building with WEDGiTS on a mirror from And Next Comes L

Close up of translucent WEDGiTS on a mirror from And Next Comes L

Siblings building together on a mirror with WEDGiTS from And Next Comes L

J building with WEDGiTS on a mirror from And Next Comes L

A tower of translucent WEDGiTS on a mirror from And Next Comes L

I am obsessed with these translucent WEDGiTS!  Why?  Well, here are just a few of the reasons the boys and I love them:

  • Encourage open ended and imaginative play, off and on the light table.
  • Durable construction.  They have been knocked over so many times and the pieces are still in perfect condition.  They are built to last!
  • Versatile.  You can build so many neat things with them.  I love their signature frog design that actually "hops."
  • Since they are designed to stack and nest, they fit nicely inside the plastic stands for easy storage.

Review & Giveaway: Building, exploring, and creating with translucent WEDGiTS on the light table and with mirrors from And Next Comes L