Thursday, April 03, 2014

Free Printable Daily Visual Schedule

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An amazing free printable visual schedule for kids.

I'm a firm believer in routine and structure for kids and my four year old J is a routine-based kid.  He thrives when he knows what to expect in his day.  

To help make our days easier, I purchased a pocket chart and created some activity cards for it.  

Since we have found it extremely helpful, I thought others might enjoy it too.  So I have also included the free printables for you to print, cut, laminate, and enjoy. 

This free printable daily visual schedule is great for kids with autism and/or sensory issues.

Free printable daily schedule for kids - great for kids with autism and/or sensory processing disorder from And Next Comes L

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How to Make a Visual Schedule for Kids

What you'll need to make your own visual schedule:

I made our schedule extremely detailed with everything from my husband's basketball games to snack time to brushing teeth to a birthday party.  I printed them in color, cut them into strips, and ran them through my laminator.

Visual schedules have lots of benefits for all kids, especially those with autism or hyperlexia. You can read more about the benefits of visual schedules here.

Free printable daily schedule for kids from And Next Comes L

How to Use a Visual Schedule with Kids

I usually fill up the pocket chart twice during the day since it's not long enough to allow for the kind of detail I need for our schedule.  That also allows us some flexibility in case we need to change the schedule part way through the day.

We have been using this schedule for a couple of weeks now and it has been working incredibly well.  It is hanging up outside J's and K's bedrooms.  When they wake up, they can instantly see what is planned for the day.  K is even starting to associate the pictures with the words, so it's a great way to encourage some extra literacy in our house.

We now store all of the cards for the schedule in a basket that I found in our garage.  When we finish an activity on our list, J likes to put it in the basket.  

Free printable daily schedule for kids from And Next Comes L

Download the Free Printable Visual Schedule for Kids

This visual schedule includes a set of blank cards so that you can make your own. Either write the item on the card before laminating or laminate it while it's blank and use dry erase markers to write some items. I have also included duplicates of scheduled activities that you may find yourself doing more than once in a day.  

And finally, if there's anything you'd like to see added, let me know! Actually, I am no longer taking requests to add new cards to this set. The set is incredibly detailed as it is!

**To get your copy, just enter your details below. You'll be redirected to a PDF that explains how to get all the cards. It used to be a .zip file, but that was causing problems for a lot of people.**

Free printable visual schedule for kids

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Free printable visual schedule for kids