Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sticky Pom Pom Art on the Light Table

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We recently did a farm theme for our homeschool preschool co-op.  One of our crafts was this sticky sheep from Twodaloo.  One of the kids was sick so I ended up with one leftover sheep for my boys to decorate.  I gave K some colored pom poms since we ran out of cotton balls and he happily made a rainbow sheep.  

It turned out adorable, but it was short lived.  

Shortly after, K ripped off the pom poms, leaving a slightly fuzzy rainbow sheep behind.  Then I had my aha moment.  I figured the colors left behind from the pom poms would pop on the light table so I set up this simple process art for kids on the light table.

Pom poms on the light table from And Next Comes L

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Light Table Activity for Kids: Make Pom Pom Art!

For this art project, you'll need contact paper and pom poms.  I taped the contact paper, sticky side up, to the light table and set out a variety of large pom poms.

The boys "stamped" with the pom poms.  Quite furiously, I might add.

Creating art with pom poms on the light table from And Next Comes L

Creating art with pom poms on the light table from And Next Comes L

After dumping all of the pom poms onto the contact paper, the boys started to remove them one by one.  

Sticky pom pom art on the light table from And Next Comes L

Sticky pom pom art on the light table from And Next Comes L

When the pom poms are removed, some of the fuzziness is left on the contact paper.  The light table makes the colors of the pom pom residue pop.  Plus, the residue feels really neat when you brush your hands over it.  K especially enjoyed running his hands over the finished product.  

Sticky pom pom art on the light table from And Next Comes L

The boys also added some other elements to their play...a whole container full of loose parts!

Open ended exploration after creating pom pom art on the light table from And Next Comes L

Shortly after we did this art project, I came across this pom pom sticky window art from No Time For Flash Cards.  So you can always substitute some natural light for the light table.

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Sticky pom pom process art for toddlers on the light table from And Next Comes L