Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fine Motor Light Table Play

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If you're looking for ways to practice fine motor skills with your kids, then you'll be happy to know that many items from the dollar store and even around the house can be used in unique ways to encourage fine motor development. Take, for example, this super simple fine motor light table activity for kids. It uses two items normally found at the dollar store for simple learning. You might already have the items on hand anyway!

Fine motor light table play for toddlers from And Next Comes L

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Fine Motor Light Table Activity for Kids

While perusing the dollar store recently, I came across a clear bathmat that I figured would look cool on the light table.  Then I remembered this bathmat and marble counting activity from Creative Playhouse, so I recreated it on our DIY light table to work on some fine motor skills.

I placed the clear bathmat on the light table with the suction cup side facing up.  K spent the better part of twenty minutes just rolling and unrolling the bathmat.

Clear bathmat on the light table from And Next Comes L

Once K had his toddler fun, I set out some glass stones and that is when K lost interest.  J, on the other hand, placed the glass stones, one at a time, onto each individual suction cup on the bathmat. He also did some counting while placing the stones on the bathmat.

Fine motor light table play for toddlers from And Next Comes L

J and I also worked together to place green and blue glass stones to create an approximate version of an Earth.  Before I was able to take a picture of our Earth, little tornado child (aka K) came along and rolled it on up!

Other Fine Motor Ideas You'll Love

Fine Motor Name Game from House of Burke

Lego Sensory Bin for Math and Fine Motor Skills from Little Bins for Little Hands

Simple Weaving Felt Page from Powerful Mothering

Puffy Paint Cake Decorating from Still Playing School

Fine motor light table play for toddlers from And Next Comes L