Saturday, May 10, 2014

Twas the Night Before Mother's Day

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Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  So I'd like to show you why, even though I am a mom blogger and "one of those Pinterest moms," I am still, first and foremost, a regular mom who does regular mom things.  And if that wasn't enough, I was in the mood for some rhyming...  

Behind the blog: Twas the Night Before Mother's Day from And Next Comes L

Twas the Night Before Mother's Day

by Dyan Robson

Twas the night before Mother's Day and I would like to show you
That there are some things that I certainly don't do.

The paintbrushes are air drying by the sink with great care,
In hopes that I'll put them away, leaving the counters all bare.

Behind the blog: Twas the Night Before Mother's Day from And Next Comes L

My boys are asleep in their very own beds,
While I zip through the shower, finally able to hear thoughts in my head.

And daddy is on the couch, and I on the floor,
He watches basketball, while I edit photos and more.

When out of my phone, there arose some vibrations,
Oh goody!  Another handful of notifications!

"Now Pinterest!  Now email!  Now, G+ and Facebook!
On twitter I'm not!  On Facebook again!  On writing my ebook!

To the dashboard of Blogger!  To write my new post!
Now dash away!  Dash away!  Here's what you miss out on most."

See, my kids think I am supermom and that is okay,
But I certainly don't want you, my readers, to view me that way.

Wait you think my house is actually that clean?
That's because I kick stuff into a corner when setting the scene.

And the stains on my carpet I make disappear
By using Picmonkey clone tool to keep it all clear.

Then there's the plants in my house that look just plain sad,
Hopefully my friend Lisha, who gave me the plant, won't be too mad!

Behind the blog: Twas the Night Before Mother's Day from And Next Comes L

While me and the kids spend the day together in play,
The laundry waits to be folded some other day.

Behind the blog: Twas the Night Before Mother's Day from And Next Comes L

Wait are those ski pants and a winter hat too?
And I even spot some books, a Christmas one or two.

And yes, I realize that it is now May,
So perhaps I should put those winter things away?

I also suck at dusting, take a look at the piano.
The grubby hand prints are a nice added touch, no?

And on a random Tuesday, I may play hide and seek poop with my boys,
Because really, in the eyes of a child, poop is better than toys.

On this particular day, during a midday toilet tryst,
I found a diaper in a drawer.  In the garbage was poop as big as my fist!

Behind the blog: Twas the Night Before Mother's Day from And Next Comes L

Did I mention that this happened a few minutes before my piano student was due?
Good thing grandma and grandpa were here to help too.

Then there's the photo they took when said child unlocked the door,
Where toilet paper clenched between cheeks hung down to the floor.

I love blogging, but it takes a lot of work and time,
So hopefully you'll have noticed, through my awesomeness of rhyme,

That I am just a regular mom doing regular mom things,
Who just happens to blog about crafts and even DIY swings.

But on this special day, you'll hear me exclaim, before I put my laptop away,
"Happy Mother's Day to all and to all a good day!"

Be sure to read the other "Behind the Blog: Mother's Day Edition" posts from these great kid bloggers: