Thursday, May 08, 2014

Yarn Wrapped Planets Craft

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Looking for space crafts for kids? Try these yarn wrapped planets crafts! They're also a great fine motor craft.

I've always loved the look of yarn wrapped crafts and I figured my oldest son could try the technique out to make some really cool planets crafts

The result is a set of beautiful yarn wrapped planets.

Fun outer space craft for kids

What You'll Need for this Planets Craft Idea

Here's what you'll need to make your own version:

  • Cardboard
  • Yarn
  • Scissors

Planets crafts for kids

How to Make these Yarn Wrapped Planets Crafts

First you need to the cardboard into the rough shapes and sizes of the planets. Please note, they are not to scale. I eyeballed the sizes.  

Next, you'll cut slits all around the planets to help keep the yarn in place. Your cardboard planets should now look like those shown below.

Kids craft with cardboard - make yarn wrapped planets!

Once you have the cardboard planet shapes, it's time to start wrapping them in yarn!

My mom brought up two bags filled with yarn for me a few months ago and luckily, there happened to be all the right colors in the bags to make these planets. I placed the coordinating yarn next to each planet to make it easier for J to make the planets.

However, I did not anticipate how much J would struggle with this activity.  His fine motor skills are pretty good, but he found this craft challenging. He climbed onto my lap and we worked on the planets together until he got the hang of things. By the time J got to Mars, he was starting to figure it out.

Fine motor cardboard craft idea

Wrap and pull, wrap and pull, wrap and pull...I kept chanting that to help keep J focused on the technique. Saturn's rings added another challenge, but he eventually did it.

Fine motor cardboard craft idea

Every time he finished a planet, we would place it in the correct order and say the planets' names together. A few days later and he can still rattle off the names of some of the planets and point to the correct one. I'm impressed with what J remembered from this activity!

And the end results are totally fabulous!  How awesome did these yarn wrapped planets turn out?!

Preschool planets crafts

Planets crafts for kids - make yarn wrapped planets!

Outer space craft for kids using yarn and cardboard

Other Space Themed Activities You'll Love

This post was part of the Fine Motor Fridays series. Here are some other ideas from this series:

Pouch Cap Sheep Printing from House of Burke

20 Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Prewriting Fine Motor Activity from School Time Snippets

Fine Motor Cherry Blossom Tree Artwork from Still Playing School

Looking for space crafts for kids? Try these yarn wrapped planets crafts!