Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Easy DIY Felt Bunting

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Our playroom seems to be a constant work in progress, changing as the boys grow older and as their interests change.

Lately the boys have been interested in cooking and shopping.  So I have been designing a corner in our playroom for imaginary play.  

This corner is currently an unfinished, but usable general store and restaurant, filled with real kitchen gagdets, a real phone, a real cash register, and the felt play food.  

As cool as it is, I'm just going to tease you with this information for right now since, like I said, it's a work in progress.  

However, I am going to show you the easy DIY felt bunting that I made to decorate the walls in this area of the playroom.  I promise it's easy to make, especially since I have even made a handy-dandy printable template for you.  And yes, it's free.

Easy DIY felt bunting with free printable template from And Next Comes L

Materials You'll Need for this DIY Felt Bunting

What you'll need to make your own DIY felt bunting:

  • Triangle Felt Bunting Template - You can find the free pattern at the end of this post!
  • Ribbon
  • Felt in a variety of colors
  • Sewing machine or hot-glue gun

I simply cut out the number of triangles that I needed to decorate the space.  I also alternated between four colors, but that's optional.  Then I used a really cute brown and white chevron ribbon to attach the triangles into a bunting.  Straight sewing and done in just mere minutes!

I chose to sew my felt bunting, but you could easily use a hot glue gun if you're not the sewing type.

Easy DIY felt bunting with free printable template from And Next Comes L

Easy DIY felt bunting with free printable template from And Next Comes L

This DIY felt bunting was just the splash of color that I needed for our pale yellow walls of our playroom.  It brightened up the space, just like our DIY art display did.

Download the Free Printable Template

To get your copy of the printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable

Easy DIY felt bunting with free printable template from And Next Comes L