Monday, October 27, 2014

Magna-Tiles Dominoes

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I mentioned the other day that we spent almost four hours playing with Magna-Tiles and dry erase markers. During that time, J came up with the idea to create dominoes, which I thought was an absolutely awesome idea. He asked me to make them for him, so I obliged.

Here's how to explore math with DIY dominoes made from Magna-Tiles.

DIY dominoes for math and number learning - made using Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

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DIY Dominoes for Kids Using Magna-Tiles

These DIY dominoes are super simple to make. I just used two square Magna-Tiles per domino. I then drew dots on each square using a dry erase marker. However, the dry erase markers rubbed off so easily, so I think that using dot stickers would be an even better alternative.

DIY dominoes for math and number learning - made using Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

Anyway, after I spent about 10 minutes drawing dots on the Magna-Tiles for J, he quickly exclaimed, "Okay, now I erase them!" 

And he did.

So even though it was his idea to make them, and a brilliant idea at that, he had absolutely zero interest in using them to play dominoes with.

Other Ideas You'll Love

Turn your Magna-Tiles into dominoes to encourage math and number learning for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L