Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mix & Match Creature Puzzles with Magna-Tiles

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Yesterday, my boys and I spent nearly four hours playing and learning with Magna-Tiles. One of the things that we did was create some mix and match creature puzzles. It's purely a silly and fun way to make my kids smile and laugh. They're reminiscent of those mix and match flap books where you can create ridiculously looking monsters or creatures, but I do remember my dad drawing and creating some homemade books for me and my brothers when we were little. And hopefully someone will know what I'm talking about because, frankly, I cannot remember what those books were called.

DIY mix and match creature puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers using Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

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Simple Magna-Tiles Activity: DIY Mix & Match Creature Puzzles for Kids

To make these mix and match creature puzzles, I used:

I simply drew some random heads, bodies, and legs on the small square Magna-Tiles. Then you can create crazy cat-spider-alien combinations like below.

DIY mix and match creature puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers using Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

J didn't really have much interest in this activity, but I'm not surprised. He's not really into silly, abstract things. Heck, he gets upset whenever someone creates a sad monster with this mix and match felt set. They always have to be happy monsters. So like I said, I wasn't surprised when he showed zero interest in playing with my cute little puzzles.

K, on the other hand, played with it for a little bit (like 5-10 minutes), giggled a few times, and then moved on. So while I thought they were cool, my boys weren't really that interested. At least not on this particular day.

Simple DIY mix and match puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers using Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

I will be trying these puzzles again in the future, but to vary the presentation, I may put them on our freezer or fridge so that they can play on a vertical surface. They would also be a fun light table activity!

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Mix and match creature puzzles using Magna-Tiles are a silly way for toddlers and preschoolers to play on or off of the light table from And Next Comes L