Friday, October 10, 2014

Rainbow Stone Sensory Soup {Water Sensory Play}

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When it comes to simple, no prep sensory play, our go-to is water sensory play. Just by adding a few materials you can transform water into colorful sensory soups that encourage fine motor play, such as this fall one or this scented cinnamon one. Well, I put together this quick and easy rainbow water sensory bin a few weeks ago and as expected with my boys, it was a hit!

Rainbow stone sensory soup: fine motor water sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L

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The reason that we became addicted to sensory soups at our house is because of this pretty polka dot soup from Fun at Home with Kids. Our rainbow stone soup is just as easy to put together. I used:

  • Water
  • Kitchen utensils - We used a plastic bowl, a ladle, a whisk, and a large plastic spoon. Feel free to add whatever you'd like!
  • Glass stones in a variety of colors

The colorful glass stones sink to the bottom of this sensory soup, but they quickly transformed the water into a polka dotted frenzy.

Close up of rainbow stone sensory soup water sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L

Whenever I set out sensory soup water bins, the boys always attempt to scoop up all the loose parts and put them into the plastic bowl. 

Fine motor practice for toddlers and preschoolers with a simple water sensory bin from And Next Comes L

Fine motor practice for toddlers and preschoolers with a simple water sensory bin from And Next Comes L

Fine motor practice for toddlers and preschoolers with a simple water sensory bin from And Next Comes L

And once all the glass stones have been collected, the boys always stir it all up with the whisk.

Water sensory play for toddlers and preschooelrs with glass stones from And Next Comes L

Fine motor practice for toddlers and preschoolers with a simple water sensory bin from And Next Comes L

K even went in for a "taste." Please note, no water was consumed. Nor were any glass stones ingested, so don't panic! That's why I said "taste" not taste. Consider that my disclaimer ;)

Water sensory play for toddlers and preschooelrs with glass stones from And Next Comes L

Be sure to check out these other water sensory play ideas!

Rainbow stone sensory soup: fine motor water sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers from And Next Comes L